#202208 :: Funk Master body in Heavy Relic TSB :: "LOST IN SPACE"

[Unfortunately this body never arrived to his buyer, Leo, from Italy, who was fully refunded by me. It was lost by Chronopost, and later "found"... In fact they didn't bother to do a proper research; I had sent the dimensions and a picture of my usual card boxes, and what they returned me, believe it or not, was a much bigger box which had "Guitar" written on it, so they guessed it was mine's. To my surprise, that big box was a Dean Razorback style DIY kit! Not my type of guitar, I will sell it to try to recover some money; it had no other address on it, so somewhere there's a guy looking for his guitar kit. Hoping that at least he got refunded...]

I have made this body to a client somewhere in 2019. It was meant to be inspired on a Fender CS Precision Bass, the client was happy with it, and since he asked me for an Allparts P bass neck, I began to put the project aside. The main reason why I stopped doing custom work is because sometimes clients ask for parts that are expensive - which is perfectly normal - and stress starts to literally take over me, and I'm afraid to somehow disappoint them and be stuck with parts in stock. In fact it's my fault, not the client's fault, but when we run a small business, 2 or 3 purchases can unbalance your monthly budget.

Talking about the body itself; 2-pc (non-symmetrical axis) Precision Bass body in Alder from Philip James Luthier Group in UK as usual, 2.2kg, 63.2mm at the widest point of the neck cavity; in Tobacco Sunburst heavy relic'd finish. I've seen some Black anodized aluminium pickguards out there lately, and I think one of them would really look awesome on this body!
