Nitro checking all-over the body; now the main challenge was to make a neck that would check quite a bit too, in order this second would be visually consistent with the first. Well, maybe a bit less, but still, the checking is there and we can see it easily. I wanted the hardware to be quite relic'd too, and slowly things started to get together.
I have the impression I took too many pics, and I'm sorry if it's too boring, but I love every inch of it! By the way, this set has genuine Fender machine heads (70's type) and neck plate, BUT IT IS NOT my intention to sell it under Fender brand or anybody else's for that matter. These are just parts I had in stock from 2020 and decided to use them on this project.
You will need a set of pickups and to make all the final adjustments (nut height, octave tuning, fret level, pickup soldering,...) in order to achieve a good guitar. And by what I've spent to build it, you surely can! This is NOT a DIY kit made God knows where folks.