This one right here was sold before I could set it on sale.
The #202110 Telemaster body had been on sale for weeks on eBay and no one asked one single thing. The same day 2 french got interested on it. The first took a time to think, the second thought a bit less and bought it at the end of that day. Now, the first client asked me over the weekend if I could buid a whole set with it... I sent him a couple of photos of this one in Tobacco Sunburst, it wasn't his thing. Thank God the second client, David, loves Sunbursts and accepted to exchange his by this one (which isn't less pretty than the one in BBlonde, no sir!). So as soon as David returns from his vacation, this is what he's going to receive, a beautiful 2-piece Alder TMaster body in Heavy Relic'd TSBurst.
[Edit on the 9th August 2021]
David has sent me 4 great pictures of his finished project; I confess he made me jealous, I love the Telemaster/Jazzmaster shape. Enjoy!!