My good friend Aaron has a self-made Cabronita, and lately he asked me to completely refinish it. Quite a challenge; Korina body, genuine Fender MIM neck, and gold hardware. For a moment the Korina turned completely black with my usual wood aging sauce, which was the first time it happened; usually it turns the wood light gray... oops! I managed to lighten it and with a good Dark Oak water based tint I achieved a pretty cool wood tonality in the end. The neck was easy to strip, but I kept the finish on the fretboard in order to avoid damaging the frets, and I was able to match the color of it with the rest of the neck, or should I say, the other way around. I haven't had much experience with gold hardware, but it turned out great in my opinion, I really love it. He asked me for racing stripes, and we agreed on vintage white. They're not completely flattened with the finish, but way less thick than those I had done until now. The pickguard's cut was not the best near the pickup so I gave it a slight touch too.
I did a full setup with .011's, covered the control cavity with aluminium foil and added a ground wire under the bridge because she was pretty noisy the first time I plugged her. There you have it, a full relooking from top to bottom! Not bad huh?!
Happy St. Patricks Day in advance! =)