This is a project that has been around since October 2022I think, and I was aiming for a complete set, but over time, other projects went by, and the end of the year has arrived. If you only knew how much I'm proud of it! I had bought this body in UK, ready to paint, all wiring holes done, 2-pc Alder and 2.3kg. Usually I keep 2-pc bodies to do Sunbursts, but the thing was I had 2 screenshots in my phone of a Custom Shop Fender P50's bass in black that just blowed my mind! I wanted to do one of these, so I have "sacrificed" the 2-pc to do it.
The neck, on the other hand, had been in stock since quite a while. I had the opportunity to buy it on a website we all know (which has a name with 4 letters only), and I'm not going to lie, it's chinese folks. I had been following this guy's work (I can mention his username in private if anyone wants to know), and here and there he offers cool stuff, so I went for the neck because,
1. the reviews were good,
2. the truss rod at the heel, and, of course,
3. the headstock was quite accurate.
It needed a little sanding here and there, but no big deal. I have done a preliminar fret level just to make sure it was worth to spray it, and I was pleased with it. Lately, for instance, I have bought a Jaguar neck from the same seller, but the heel needs more work than just sanding, so maybe in 2023. Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't, or you end up having to do more than you expect to have a solid result that you won't regret.
Some neck specs for the specs fans: Nut width, 42,2mm / Heel width, 63,5mm / Thickness at 1st and 12th frets, 22,5mm and 24,7mm / Machine head hole diameter, 17,8 to 17,9mm.
That said, I may have been a bit carried away, since the finish is quite more "wild" than the screenshots which inspired me, but, man... if I hadn't already my Jazz Bass built in 2018 I surely would keep this set for me. The white primer appearing under the black really drives me crazy, and that nitro checking all over the neck, WOW!
Hey, don't forget that the body string ferrules are the BIG ones from Fender, not the modern style. The narrower width of the string ferrules's holes measure 15,4mm and the lip above it measures 18,9mm.
All done here, have a blessed 2023, lots of good stuff, but if I may say so, following Jesus will pretty much bring what we REALLY need. Maybe not what we would asked for, but what He knows is good for us. I still didn't understood why I'm writting you with 2 broken ribs and a black eye from a fall I took this Christmas, but I keep on hoping! Be blessed, and take care of you and your families outhere, this world is getting pretty crazy nowadays. And THANK YOU, either you purchase my work or not, it's great just to share it with you!