#202042 REISSUE :: Fetish JM H/H set in Aged Sunburst :: SOLD

No one must remember this project by now, but it was in fact built in 2020 and sold to Belgium. All great except... for the neck joint depth, which I should had paid attention to, but I didn't, because I thought it was standard. That taught me quite a lesson! 

As most of my bodies, it was a B-stock, with small knots or something that wouldn't matter to a relic project, but in this case it was a neck joint depth, like 13mm or so. So the client did his best to assemble it, but the bridge saddles were much too high (of course).

He finally asked me for a return, which I have done right away, and I payed for the return too. I left it for more than a year in the box, and even sold the original neck with a Strat project.

I hadn't a solution for it until I have bought last year a mini-drilling machine, and could add about 3mm on that depth. Now it has 16,4mm depth all over, and it worked out really nice.

I have worked on the relic finish a bit more too, bought a new Indian Rosewood / Roasted Maple neck, changed the knobs to my favorite 70's style knobs from TAD, and added 2 black humbucker rings that you may use, or not. There's a 3-way switch and 500k CTS pots, but I'm not counting them on the price since the original client had started the wiring process; let's pretend they're not there. Allparts vintage machine heads and a hardtail bridge from Emma Music. The neck has a C regular profile, 42mm nut, double action truss rod at heel, 21.6mm height at the 1st fret and 23.6mm at the 12th fret. The back plate is still the original metal plate I had done, which I love, and the original vintage jack cup with the same original jack input installed. Let me just say that the neck finish is probably my latest neck relic style favorite! I prefer it to the all stripped back Custom Shop style, but as my mama used to say, you don't discuss colors or tastes. Speaking of colors, this Sunburst doesn't end Black like most of my Sunbursts; the sides are Dark Brown, really nice!