#202314 :: Vibe King body in Relic BBlonde finish :: SOLD

It had been quite a while since I had done a bass body, and this 3-pc American Ash weighing 2.3kg was just waiting for a nice finish. Usually I love doing Sunbursts on Ash, but this time I decided to make a tribute to Blonde Telecasters, and went for a Butterscotch Blonde finish instead. Really aged, tinted, darkened, everything I love. And nitro checking ALL OVER it! Isn't it lovely?!

Now, before you think of buying it, there's something I must warn you about; the heel cavity measures 63.6mm (see last photo), and Allparts neck heels measure around 62mm. I went to do some research and someone on a bass blog was saying precisely that, he had a gap between the neck heel and the neck cavity of the body he bought. Fender (and Warmoth) Jazz Bass necks have 2 1/2" (63.45mm) at the heel instead of 2 7/16" (62mm) on Allparts JB necks. I personally would go with the new Roasted Jazz Bass necks they have and a black aluminum pickguard, but that's just me. My own Jazz Bass has a chinese neck on it because of that, but be careful with their truss rods...

Be safe and be blessed!