#202320 :: Fetish JM hybrid SS body in Relic Aged Goldtop :: SOLD

To all of you single-coils fans out there, this is the 1st of 2 Jazzmaster 3-pc Alder bodies in single-coil / single-coil configuration. Personnally, i'd choose a good hot rails pickup for the bridge and a Stratish vintage tone pickup for the neck position, but that's up to you. Large control cavity with 3 holes already done; Volume, Tone and toggle switch? For those who like active pickups, there's plenty of space for a 9v battery inside, I'll leave that to you.

Homemade aged white backplate, medium relic rounded neck plate included (no screws), and also a mini pickguard I did, but I haven't installed; on some angles I like it, on others I prefer the body without. It weighs 2.1kg, which is perfectly fine, and you will need a Strat neck with a 55.6mm round heel.

You will also need a vintage hardtail bridge from Fender or Göldo, which costs around 20€, and the rest is common hardware: vintage cup jack plate, strap holders, string-thru bushings, knobs, etc. Not expensive and easy to find. If you need help on that or the neck, I can help!

Aged Goltop finish, meaning the lacquer over the Goldtop from Nitorlack was slightly tinted to darken the finish, and white primer. Cool or what?!