#202335 :: Americana Modern open body in Heavy Relic TSB :: SOLD

Hey you all!

This body is probably one of my favourite relics of 2023, but I think it's going to be penalized because of two things: it's weight (still 2.6Kg after having carved the inside), and also because the overall side is a bit too straight compared to a Fender spec'd body. It was built here in France by a local luthier, 2-pc European Ash, the neck joint has compatible dimensions with a standard 56mm wide Stratocaster neck, and it's depth is 15.9mm, so no issues there.

Speaking of necks, I have a neck available, you can check it out below: 1-pc maple, 21 fret, 9.5" radius, truss rod at the bottom of the heel, the usual necks I use all the time. I was trying to do a Fenderish kind of worn fretboard, but I didn't like it, so I decided at the last minute to distress a bigger area, and I finally found it very cool. Maybe not too vintage correct, but I like it! It would cost you 225 Euros more if you want it, shipped with the body and no extra charges, obviously.

This relic is so great! Although I love the front, the back is my favourite part; that distress effect on the belt buckle area, thanks to the Ash texture, is so beautiful!! Again, thank you Lord for the work You allow me to do!