Hey guys!
I did something similar to this body by the end of 2023, over a Sunburst. You may remember it. This time, here's a 1-pc Poplar open cavity Stratocaster body from AC Guitars, and super light, 1.2kg! The Gold only appears in the arm cut area actually, not a problem tough, just using what I have left in metallic colors until the end, and I will no longer be doing metallic finishes after that. What really satisfies me is the dirty effect. Third body in a row where I have used this effect/technique coherently, and I'm really pleased with it.
The pictures are not bad, but don't really show the details as I wish they would. I have changed my phone early this year but not quite happy yet, the details on the photos seem a bit fuzzy. When you see this body live you can see how rich in shades with different intensities the color really is.
Until the next one, God bless!