#202423 :: Da'Twang '52 set in Heavy Relic Butterscotch Blonde :: CUSTOM ORDER

Before you guys ask me why do I say I don't do custom orders if this was a custom order, let me tell you that Freddie waited more than a year and a half for it. He had bought the #202316 body from me, and he told me at the time he'd like a Telecaster Ash set with a P90 pickup on the neck.

I had one heavy ash body around, and since it was routed for a single coil, I routed the inside below the pickguard to make it lighter, and also so it could accommodate the P90. The body was ready in a couple of months, but it took more than a year for me to do a neck that matched the same look. That's one of the reasons why I don't accept custom orders, relic (for me) is not a recipe.

The funny thing is that we started to speak in English, later in French, and very recently in Portuguese, since one of his parents is portuguese too. Talk about a small world!