#202435 :: Fetish JM Thinline body in Heavy Relic Fiesta Red :: SOLD

Humble origins, but still...

Straight forward, this is an Asian Jazzmaster Thinline mahogany body bought on eBay by 72 Euros. It weighs 1.8kg and it is sold with the aged Brown Tortoise pickguard and the rounded relic neck plate. For 70 Euros plus you can have the bridge and tremolo too, both costed me 51 Euros at ADP Guitar Parts.

The neck pocket is obviously made for 56mm necks and it's well aligned with the rest of the routing. It has 17mm depth however, instead of the usual 16mm. I had to make some adjustments to the tremolo cavity, there was not enough depth for the spring and tremolo bar, not a big deal.

This was an experience to see if the quality worths buying others in the future. Maybe, quite possible to be honest, not too much adjustments to make and the neck pocket is good.