#202508 :: Americana Classic SSS set in Heavy Relic Black :: AVAILABLE!

520,00 Euros

:: Shipping: 30 Euros - France // 40 Euros - European Community

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One more reason why I try to escape from custom orders LOL!

Someone here in France asked me for a body in heavy relic black after seeing one advertising I had on a local website/platform, and I said Yes. The body was ready, he liked it, but it was over his budget. The price wasn't different than my usual prices, at all. It wasn't his fault, I never ask anyone what the budget is because I don't do my prices considering who the client is or where he's from. I like it so much I've decided to prepare a neck for it. The neck cavity was lowered to receive the neck and respect Warmoth specifications advices, it has now 17mm of depth, reason why you no longer see AC Guitar Shop logo on the base of the cavity. Body and neck we're aligned and fit together, I won't sell them separately, sorry.

 That said; 2-pc Mahogany body from AC Guitar Shop with a blemish right in the middle of the back as you will see in the pictures, 1.82Kg; and one of my regular C medium profile Rosewood/Maple Strat necks, 21 Jumbo frets, truss rod at heel, 9.5" radius, 20mm thick at the 1st fret and 23mm at the 12th. If you can read the previous sentence without taking a deep breath I will give you a 1% discount! =)