#202318 :: Bastarda S/X "Mrs. Hazel" hybrid set in Heavy Relic Transparent Vintage White :: LATEST NEWS
Sharing, sharing, sharing! Hi guys!
Maybe you won't recall this project, so here it goes a reminder:
My friend Rolf had already told me it would take a while to finish his idea, he was counting on a luthier he knows. Well, there it is!
I usually don't post email messages, but I will let him explain his experience in first hand:
The initial idea was inspired by the famous "Tele Gib" owned by the great Jeff Beck and played by him in the 70's, amongst others on Blow by Blow, there famously used on "Cause we've ended as lovers". That with an additional tremolo was initially what I went for. So this is now the result. In a way, it is not even too far off the original idea, it is close enough for me, adding a different taste, beauty and functionality. So in a way, it is now a hybrid between a Tele, a Strat and a Gibson, with some good elements from all of these worlds.
So she has gone to quite a few changes, but for something initially described as "It's a bird... it's a plane... it's Superman" I thought that would probably be ok :-)
And it all seems to work very well, as far as I can tell so far.
Right, I think I'll go and play a bit ...
Thank you again and all the best! Rolf
I personally think it looks great! Not because it's my work (not only mine,of course), or just because he might read this post. He had asked me if I was OK with it, and I am. Life's too short to be attached to "prima Donna" feelings like "I'm an artist and you can't touch my work". The initial look is there, and Rolf has adapted it to his own taste. It's his guitar after all. Isn't that what relic is about, giving a guitar a personality" of it's own? Identifying an object with my taste, history, background?
More than the project itself, knowing you are happy with one of my projects means the world to me. Yes, we all need to earn our euros and dollars, but I would do it for free if I could.
Thank you Rolf for sharing!!
Did you guys already knew that actually me and him, we share the same first name? I suppose Rolf is the equivalent to Ralph, Raoul, Raúl, and so on.
Yup, I'm not just an Alexandre. Shhhh, it will be our little secret ;D
God bless!